We carry these stories, both good and bad,
into our grown-up lives. We form and frame our outlook around these stories,
accepting the limitations that were set when our personalities were just starting
to develop. Then we spend the rest of our adult lives allowing that inner child
tell us what we can and can’t have, be or do.
My usual state is to wonder whether I’m worthy
enough. That tiny voice deep inside whispers that I can’t do or achieve certain
things. I’m certainly not going to get rid of those fears overnight, and
neither are you. But you can use that fear as faith to keep pushing toward
your dreams.
To begin, take out a piece of paper. You’ll need
to explore what thoughts are holding you back. Do you struggle with self-worth?
Are you anxious about failing or perhaps of succeeding? When a different
opportunity arises, do you move forward with a yes attitude?
Here are four questions to ask yourself to
help pinpoint and overcome your limiting beliefs:
- Do I hesitate to ask for what I want?
- Do I truly believe that I can achieve my dreams?
- Do
I speak up in meetings at work?
- Do I wake up in the morning eager to
work toward my dreams?
Once you recognize your doubts and limiting
beliefs, you must continue to work at encouraging yourself in those moments of self-doubt.
You will soon find, when the pesky voice of limitation disappears, that your
mind is your most powerful tool.
Because of Hurricane Irma, the new release date is October 28th 2017