Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Power Of Our Thoughts

The Power Our Thoughts

In today’s society, with negative news coverage, commercials that evoke fear, and all the things happening in society, it’s easy for negative thought patterns to take root. Many people who think negatively are wonderful people who value relationships and care deeply for the people in their lives. However, they often, without realizing it, push away the very people that they are concerned about or seeking support and encouragement from, because they can become preoccupied, fearful, miserable, negative and hard to be around. This is not a switch in the brain that can be easily turned off, but rather, a pattern from which it requires dedication and work to recover. Here are two ways to stop over-thinking, chronic worrying and find peace in the present moment:
1.    Breathe more. Breathing will relax you, calm you, connect you to the present moment, and help you feel grounded. It sounds so simple but often when our mind starts to race to bad places, we become hysterical and anxious when what we need to do is relax the body and mind. One way to breathe more is use meditation apps which are readily available on smart phones and tablets. Daily listening can help ease anxiety, fear, worry and doubt.
2.    Surrender to God. Surrender does not mean giving up; it just means you are willing to go with the flow. Surrender is a form of release and a form of peace, because it means you are willing to trust that everything will work out as it is supposed to. 
We must be aware of our thoughts because our thoughts have power and create outcomes we may not want, more than we realize.

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Monday, October 29, 2018

Depression, Misery and Fatigue

Depression, Misery and Fatigue
If you find yourself in this state of mind often, you are what psychologists call an over-thinker, and this way of thinking can be detrimental to your mental and physical health. Psychologists have found that over-thinking can lead to depression, misery and fatigue, especially in women, who are much more likely than men to think about stresses and dissatisfactions.

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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Are You Teachable?

Are You Teachable?

Following the call for friends who are trustworthy, Jesus extends His invitation to Simon and Andrew with a promise, “Come after me. And I will make you become….” His choice of the term “become” is intentional. It is a term that implies the engagement of the student in a lifetime of learning and compliments the developmental potential of the student as a learner. Simply put, Jesus call for disciples who are teachable.

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Friday, October 26, 2018

"Highly Recommended" said Emerald Reviews

In the blink of an eye your life could be taken away from you. Yes, we know that there is a starting point and an ending point to our lives, but if I open your notebook of what you accomplished and read your accomplishments, would I notice an increase in the value of all that God entrusted you with. O how many times I’ve heard people say “I wish I could do it all over again. If I had a chance I would do it differently.” However, do you know it’s never too late to? If you are still among the living, then you have adequate time to accomplish some of the things that you might miss during your neglected moments.

                           "Highly Recommended" said Emerald Reviews

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How you want people to remember you ?

Think about how you want people to remember you

Do you want to be remembered for the great father/mother you were? Or maybe you want be remembered as an entrepreneur? Once you identify this, you will be able to find your true purpose. From here onward, you will have to work as hard as you can to make that purpose a reality.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Living Your True Purpose

While the average lifespan differs for each country, one thing is certain: we have around/more than 20000 days to spend on this planet, days that we can use to make a mark on our society and planet. However, how can you find your true purpose and leave something meaningful for years to come? Here you have a few great ideas that you to keep in mind.

Write down your interests and values

A good way to start this process is to write down what interests you the most and then you need to write down your values. You should not rush. Instead, you have to contemplate and understand your beliefs and interests to the best of your capabilities.

Think about how you want people to remember you

Do you want to be remembered for the great father/mother you were? Or maybe you want be remembered as an entrepreneur? Once you identify this, you will be able to find your true purpose. From here onward, you will have to work as hard as you can to make that purpose a reality.

Listen to your heart

Most of the time, you will see that finding your real purpose is as simple as listening to your heart. Make sure that you pursue those actions and dreams that make you happy. This way you will never feel that you work at all. Instead you will have a great experience, and in the end, the outcome can be a very good one.

Always focus on action, not ideas

Actions will help you identify and reach your true purpose. It’s the best way you can reach the results you want in life, so you have to do all in your power to stay determined and focus on actions. Do the right thing, focus on your life’s quality and the outcome will be second to none.

See what you enjoy doing

Some people like to help others, but at the same time there are persons with revolutionary ideas. You have to choose what you like doing and you have to pursue that goal. This will help you identify your true purpose in life quite easily!
In the end, finding your purpose in life can be an interesting journey. With enough determination and focus, you will find yourself more than impressed with the sheer value and quality of your life. It will be a challenge, true, but in the end, the outcome can be very rewarding.

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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ready For A Change? Determined To Succeed?

Ready for a change? Determined to succeed?

In my book, Think Like A Winner, Act Like You Won, I remind readers how 
powerful their thoughts are. This book is filled with success stories of 
how people were determined to succeed in life by changing their 

Ask yourself this question: What was the last thought I had? Was it 
empowering or negative? Did it make me feel good or make me feel bad? 
Did it lead me closer to fulfilling my dreams or make me want to give 


Friday, October 19, 2018

Belief in Yourself.

Yоu'rе a unique individual. Yоu hаvе уоur оwn ѕресiаl giftѕ tо givе аnd 
ѕhаrе. Yоur thоughtѕ and imаginаtiоn are уоurѕ аlоnе. Whаtеvеr you wаnt 
in lifе is уоurѕ tо have, all уоu nееd is thе belief in yourself.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

There is no Real Power Without Spiritual Power that Comes From #God

There is no real power without spiritual power that comes from #God. A power that comes from deep within. A power that's connected to everything and everyone. When you sense this power dwelling inside you, your life brims with enthusiasm, inspiration and hope

Danielle Urban rated it, it was amazing: 5 Stars ......(Goodreads)

rated it it was amazing

Think Like a Winner, Act Like You've Won by Carl Mathis is a great book to start of the new year is one of those essential books to read. It reminds me of what you are and can do now, instead of what you're trying to become. Success is measured differently. Success is the determination to stick with what you have and use that to get to where you need to be. Success is not about how much money you have nor what you possess. It is not giving up and working with what you have. Many of us have talents for different things. We just need to find ours and then go from there. The writer stresses on uses the knowledge and information you have to climb forward. This, is true. However, many of us, like myself included have trouble finding out what we know and can do well enough to be successful in our 


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it was amazingt wa

Monday, October 15, 2018

How to Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind:

By honestly answering these questions you will see your thought pattern 
and how this thought pattern has led you to the place your are in your 

Ready for a change? Determined to succeed? Here are 5 ways to change 
your mind and ultimately change your life:

1. Ask powerful questions such as, “Why am I so successful? Why am I so 
happy? Why am I so blessed and highly favored? Why am I always getting 
promotions and increases? Why I always winning in life? Why am I 
attracting the perfect career for my talents?

2. Gratitude. Write a list of all of the things that are going right in 
your life and include all of the sound decisions you have made, the 
positive opportunities that have come your way, and all of your 
accomplishments big and small.

3. Do not curse yourself for bad mistakes or live in regret of your 
choices. Choose instead to release the past, forgive yourself, and learn 
from the experience.

4. Expect the best. Having a spirit of expectancy draws more good.
5. Stay in the present. This will help keep you focused on your goals 
and dreams.

By applying these tips in your daily life you will soon have a great 
sense of achievement and the feeling of winning in life.

To learn more please visit,

Friday, October 12, 2018

Finding God’s Will In This World

In the midst of today's busy world where everyone, especially the generation of millennials now finding their way around this world, it can be quite difficult to figure out God's will. What can one do in line with what God wants to do? This can be a very difficult question to answer-pursuing your purpose that is, hopefully, in sync with God's purpose for you.

Some thoughts on God's will and purpose
Finding God's will entails a certain uncertainty. One can never be totally sure that one is following God's will-but there can certainly be signs that one is on the right track. Signs can be seen when you reflect, through prayer, on your decisions. God nudges you in the right direction, helping you to discern which path to take. How can one know if it is a sign from God or not? Just like any good relationship, where on person knows the other person well, so it is with God: if you nurture your relationship with Him and are familiar with his voice and presence in your life, it will make it a lot easier for you to know when it is Him leading you or when it is simply other voices telling you where to go.

Reading Scripture also helps a person understand how God works in people's lives. While the stories there may seem old, outdated, or almost in the realm of the seemingly impossible, they still hold some insight as to how God intercedes and interacts with certain individuals.
Partnering with or accompanying others who are also trying to find God's will in their lives will also help. As in any endeavor, support from friends and family will always help you persevere and reach your goal rather than if you were doing it alone without any help. A community that will also help you reflect on and understand what has been happening in your life will ultimately also help you find God's will more in your everyday, as we can sometimes have a "blind spot" or have a tendency to get stuck-other people now come in and offer a fresh perspective and new ways of looking at what's been happening in your life.

Lastly, a sign that you are following God's will is a certain peace that comes with your decision, as if God were confirming your decision by gifting you the feeling of peace from the Holy Spirit.
These are just some ways of trying to find God's will in your life. It is definitely not easy, nor always certain, nor glamorous. Some are called by God to places that are way beyond their comfort zone. However, take heart that this God does not call only those who are seemingly qualified or fit for what he wants, it is he who equips and strengthens those he calls-as long as we are ready to respond and say "Here I am, 

Know as well that there is something greater at work in your life, and that nursing this relationship with God will allow you to be more attuned to what is happening and where you are being called. Christians believe that this world was not made by a random God, but rather by a gracious loving God for all of creation, and so we can see this God reflected therein and get to know him more through this world.

Finding your purpose in life brings a sense of meaning as well: you do things not simply because you want to, but because ultimately, you are working for something bigger, sometimes even bigger than yourself, your ambitions, and your goals. It keeps you waking up and going each morning, and when the going gets tough, a gentle reminder is sometimes all it takes to remind you of why you are doing something, despite its difficulty and stress. At the end of the day, it is all worth it.

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Pursuing Your Purpose: Your Life Goals:

Part of pursuing your purpose is setting up goals for yourself. 

These goals can be short term, mid-term, or long term goals, and these are meant to give you certain milestones to attain, which makes one’s purpose more attainable and not as daunting. Here are some steps in setting up and achieving goals to help you pursue your purpose

 Pursuing Your Purpose: Your Life Goals:

                                  Click here now and get "Your Life Goals"

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Pursuing Your Purpose: A Guide to Getting Started (Kindle Edition...$0.99)

Even with the best books, it can still be very difficult to really pursue your purpose and passion in life. Following and listening to God through one’s faith can be daunting as well. Thus, before you start your journey to pursue your purpose, here are some tips and insights to keep in mind as you begin—just three points to ponder on and think about and perhaps even prepare for before going through “Pursuing Your Purpose.”

                                       Click here for "A Guide to Getting Started"

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How Powerful is Our Mind ?

Our subconscious mind is very powerful. It controls a lot of what we 
think, do and experience in life. However, it is like a fertile garden, 
it must be watered with good thoughts daily. When this happens 
repeatedly, the subconscious mind slowly begins to believe the positive 
new message and the older negative messages are pushed away. This, 
however, takes consistent effort and dedication.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Take Hold of Your Thoughts

“Failure will never overtake me when my determination to succeed is 
strong enough.” Og Mandino

Throughout the day, our minds are constantly flooded with negative 
thoughts, which in turn create negative feelings, which in turn creates 
negative experiences. It’s truly critical to take hold of our thoughts 
in order to reach the pinnacle of #success.

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Raise Your Standards

Raise your standards.

Truthfully, it’s easy to make a goals list, vision board and say positive statements. But when you’re tired of carrying unfulfilled goals and dreams over year to year with no results, you’ll need to make a significant shift on how you see yourself. 

Raising your standards is you creating new visions for yourself and being determined to rise up to that standard and stay there.

To raise your standards, you have to eliminate all excuses and bad habits. Set a bar that is higher and then work at achieving it.

Setting a new standard means determining, declaring and decreeing a certain goal is a must-have or must-do in your life.

We all have daily habits and routines that we do unconsciously. They are either moving you closer to your goal or keeping you stranded in a state of mediocrity.

New standards often require new mindsets and habits. Write out what new habits you will put into your life in order to reach your new standards. For example, waking up at 5:00 A.M. to write three chapters in your book.

Now it’s time to take immediate action.

The key to feeling good about your life, career and business is knowing that you’re making constant progress. If you implement this strategy into your life right now, I know for sure that you will be well on your way to your best year ever.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

New Book Offers Practical Advice on Successful Living

New Book Offers Practical Advice on Successful Living

[CUTLER BAY, FLORIDA ] – Speaker, Preacher and published author of 
“Pursuing Your Purpose,” and other  inspiring volumes, has announced the 
release of his new book, “Think Like A Winner, Act Like You Won.  Carl 
Mathis, provides practical advice and wisdom for those who desire to be 
inspired and motivated to achieve their goals and dreams. The book is 
written for everyone, but especially those who passionately desire to 
achieve success in their personal and professional life.  “I truly 
believe a balanced life, where people are happy and successful both 
personally and professionally, is the winning combination,” says Mathis.

The inspiring book received rave reviews from Dr. Joe Vitale (The 
Secret), Michelle McKinney Hammond (Emmy Award Winning TV Host) and Dr. 
Jeanne Porter King (nationally recognized inspirational speaker and 

“When you think like winner,” says Mathis, “your mind will find a way to 

Inside this utterly timely book, readers will learn how they can achieve 
the success that they’ve always dreamed of, just by making a few 
positive changes to the way they think and act.

About the Author

Carl Mathis is much more than an everyday motivational speaker. While 
some know him for his work as an author and entrepreneur, others know 
him as a 21st Century innovator, setting the standard for men around the 
country. But no matter how others view him, Carl Mathis is confident of 
his mission and God-ordained purpose in life -- to encourage people 
worldwide to live life to the fullest, no matter the odds. This is Carl 
Mathis’s eighth book.

To learn more please visit,

Praise for Think Like A Winner, Act Like You Won

"With his trademark warmth, wisdom and wit, Mathis will inspire you to 
quit negative thinking and start flying to new heights. If you're ready 
to take the next step in your career, business, life or dreams, this 
book is the breakthrough you've been looking for."

-Dr. Joe Vitale

"This book is very encouraging and inspiring for both personal and 
professional use."

-Michelle McKinney Hammond, How to Be Happy

"Think Like A Winner, Act Like You Won provides practical wisdom and 
advice that will inspire many to embrace a new path on their way to 
leading extraordinary lives."
-Dr. Jeanne Porter King, That's What She Said! 366 Leadership Quotes by 

“Two thumbs up!” | The Place Readers Love

*               Print Length: 230 pages
*               Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1981372083
*               $9.95

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Guard Your Heart:

  "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."   (Proverbs 4:23) The heart, in biblical terms, often r...