Friday, September 28, 2018


Invest a small amount of your morning to create a mindset of resilience 
and optimism as this will prepare you for the day. Tony Robbins said: 
"80 percent of success is due to psychology - mindset, emotions, and 
beliefs - and only 20 percent is due to mechanics." So start the day 
right and keep your mind on things that bring you joy and fulfillment.

A positive attitude doesn't mean ignoring or repressing life's anxieties 
and troubles. It involves seeing things as they are, visualizing how 
they might become better, and then taking action to make them so; rather 
than seeing things negatively from the start, expecting things to get 
worse and barely summoning the energy to prevent a disastrous outcome.

Focus on success, get used to looking for improvements in the current 
situation as a solution, regardless of its size. For example, half a 
pound loss may seem weak when your goal is 50 pounds, but this is a step 
in the right direction.

Many of us are more confident and work better when someone encourages 
us. A successful person is self-conscious and responsible to him or her 
self. One way to strengthen these traits is to conjure a coach in your 
mind. Remember that person that inspired you when faced with a scary 
task? Ask yourself, "What would this person do if he or she is faced 
with this task?" This would undoubtedly help you continue trying until 
you overcome the fear or obstacle.

Take a few moments every day to ask the question, "What have I done well 
today?" This simple thought reinforces reassurance on a daily basis. In 
turn, the positive feedback that you give yourself eventually helps you 
to develop courage and self-confidence, which are extremely important 
for success.

Being consistent with these tips will help ensure  that you will have a 
life filled with positive thoughts and positive outcomes.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

How to Tap into Your Hidden Abilities and Develop Them


Everyone has a natural gift or talent, but some are more pronounced than 
others. And yet, some others are hidden. Just how do you tap and develop 
your hidden abilities? Below are some practical ways to help you tap 
into your hidden abilities and develop them.


Learn more about yourself, your values, your interests, your 
non-technical skills, and your abilities, in combination with your 
personality type. Use self-assessment tools, such as personality tests, 
to gather information about your features and generate a list of areas 
of interest and expertise.

What are you proud of? Think about your life and consider the times 
when you've really succeeded - whether you won a contest, received an 
award, or the positive comments you got for something you did. This may 
indicate the talent you possess. It is also good to think about the 
rough moments in your life and how you have gone through these stressful 
situations. Trying times often reveal our hidden skills and abilities. 
Use what you have discovered to create a list of your strengths and 
align them with your list of goals.


If you can identify your talents, you can take advantage of this 
incredible resource which will in turn, help you in all aspects of your 
life, including your business. When you know what your talents are, you 
feel more in line with your life. You have a goal. The more you explore 
a talent, the more you cultivate it.

Having an outside perspective can be very valuable and revealing. 
Friends, family and other trusted advisors have the unique advantage of 
observing you in ways you may have not noticed. Ask why they think you 
are unique and what they think you are doing excellently. Make sure you 
talk to people who know you well, but also to people who don’t know you 
too well. Getting all these perspectives can tell you more about 

Typically, what you’re drawn to is a natural vibe. Think about what you 
love to do most during your leisure. What activities do you find 
captivating, enthralling and even addictive? Your obsession may be 
things that help you identify the deepest passions. Even if your hobby 
is singing or reading, you may have a talent for writing songs or 
writing scripts.

The experiences you had as a child can serve as a helix to discover 
your hidden potentials and encourage you to unleash it. Look at your 
past, consider the time when peer pressure didn't influence you. 
Sometimes just because of what you have done as a child or what you were 
known for, this can reveal your most profound talents and discover the 
interests you can explore further.

Try to write your thoughts daily for a week. Record observations, 
instincts, feelings, inspiration, and creativity. Let your ideas flow on 
the page. Do it as regularly as possible, and you will notice your 
behavioral patterns in areas of interest, genuine feelings, skills 
awareness, and natural connectivity with certain people, places, and 

“Follow your passion, and it will lead you to your purpose."

Wednesday, September 26, 2018



What are you proud of? 

Think about your life and consider the times 
when you've really succeeded - whether you won a contest, received an 
award, or the positive comments you got for something you did. 

This may indicate the talent you possess. It is also good to think about the 
rough moments in your life and how you have gone through these stressful 

Trying times often reveal our hidden skills and abilities. 
Use what you have discovered to create a list of your strengths and 
align them with your list of goals.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Pursuing Your Purpose II......NOW AVAILABLE IN AUDIO


Mаkе thе Dесiѕiоn to do it

Yоu саn turn уоur lifе аrоund nоw, аll уоu nееd tо dо iѕ mаkе thе dесiѕiоn to do it. 

Nо оnе еlѕе can dо it for уоu.  Rеmеmbеr thе mirrоr?

You're thе one уоu see ѕtаring bасk at уоu.

All you need tо do is tаkе thе firѕt ѕtер аnd thеn imаginе thе possibilities and орроrtunitiеѕ that саn come your wау.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Know More About Yourself.


Having an outside perspective can be very valuable and revealing. 

Friends, family and other trusted advisors have the unique advantage of observing you in ways you may have not noticed.

 Ask why they think you are unique and what they think you are doing excellently. 

Make sure you talk to people who know you well, but also to people who don’t know you too well. 

Getting all these perspectives can tell you more about 

Sunday, September 23, 2018



Typically, what you’re drawn to is a natural vibe. Think about what you 
love to do most during your leisure. What activities do you find 
captivating, enthralling and even addictive? Your obsession may be 
things that help you identify the deepest passions. Even if your hobby 
is singing or reading, you may have a talent for writing songs or 
writing scripts.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Developing Your Hidden Abilities


Try to write your thoughts daily for a week. Record observations, 
instincts, feelings, inspiration, and creativity. Let your ideas flow on 
the page. Do it as regularly as possible, and you will notice your 
behavioral patterns in areas of interest, genuine feelings, skills 
awareness, and natural connectivity with certain people, places, and 

“Follow your passion, and it will lead you to your purpose."

Friday, September 21, 2018



The experiences you had as a child can serve as a helix to discover 
your hidden potentials and encourage you to unleash it. Look at your 
past, consider the time when peer pressure didn't influence you. 
Sometimes just because of what you have done as a child or what you were 
known for, this can reveal your most profound talents and discover the 
interests you can explore further.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

How To Live a Powerful Life

Do you ever feel like you’re living a life far from the one you dreamed of for yourself? Does it feel like you’re losing an uphill battle? Do you look around and think, “everyone else has a better life than mine?”

You’re not alone.

Each day, millions of people live a life filled with regret, disappointment and setbacks.

You don’t have to be one of them when you discover the secret to a 
powerful life.

Contemplating the power of God is something that can benefit all 
believers. When we meditate on the fact that God is all powerful, we are 
reassured that he is in control and that we don’t have to be. When we 
realize we don’t have to be, this frees our mind, heart and spirt to 
receive. Receive creative ideas, inspiration and wisdom  which helps us 
to overcome a life of regret.

There is no real power without spiritual power that comes from God. A 
power that comes from deep within. A power that's connected to 
everything and everyone. When you sense this power dwelling inside you, 
your life brims with enthusiasm, inspiration and hope. I can feel it in 
myself sometimes, mostly when I'm sharing an insight through my books 
and articles that I know will have an impact on someone's life and I can 
sense that they feel better. I get real joy from helping other people 
experience life-changing times. That is where my power and purpose lies.

In every disappointing experience there's an opportunity to grow, 
improve, or learn something invaluable about yourself. This includes 
learning not to compare your life to someone else.  Every challenge can 
make you stronger if you allow it. Strength multiplied = power. God = 

Choose now to live a life with power and you will never look back with 

3 Scriptures to Help You Live a Powerful Life

- “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond 
measure.”  Psalm 147:4-5
- “Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, 
and you don’t know the power of God.”” Matthew 22:29
- “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, 
love and self – discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dесiding tо Bе a Bеttеr Person

Yоu саn turn уоur lifе аrоund nоw, аll уоu nееd tо dо iѕ mаkе thе dесiѕiоn to do it. 
Nо оnе еlѕе can dо it for уоu.  Rеmеmbеr thе mirrоr?
You're thе one уоu see ѕtаring bасk at уоu.
All you need tо do is tаkе thе firѕt ѕtер аnd thеn imаginе thе possibilities and орроrtunitiеѕ that саn come your wау.

Dесiding tо bе a bеttеr person iѕ one of thе best giftѕ you саn givе yourself.
It gives уоu a whole new perspective оn lifе.

Allоw yourself tо:
• Diѕсоvеr уоur hiddеn tаlеntѕ
• Viѕuаlizе уоur ѕuссеѕѕ
• Unlосk your potential

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Choose to live a life with power and you will never look back with regret.

In every disappointing experience there's an opportunity to grow, 
improve, or learn something invaluable about yourself. This includes 
learning not to compare your life to someone else.  Every challenge can 
make you stronger if you allow it. Strength multiplied = power. God = 

Choose now to live a life with power and you will never look back with 

3 Scriptures to Help You Live a Powerful Life

- “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond 
measure.”  Psalm 147:4-5
- “Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, 
and you don’t know the power of God.”” Matthew 22:29

Monday, September 17, 2018

Where Do Your Power and Purpose Lies ?

There is no real power without spiritual power that comes from God. A 
power that comes from deep within. A power that's connected to 
everything and everyone. When you sense this power dwelling inside you, 
your life brims with enthusiasm, inspiration and hope. I can feel it in 
myself sometimes, mostly when I'm sharing an insight through my books 
and articles that I know will have an impact on someone's life and I can 
sense that they feel better. I get real joy from helping other people 
experience life-changing times. That is where my power and purpose lies.

Contemplating the Power of God

Contemplating the power of God is something that can benefit all 
believers. When we meditate on the fact that God is all powerful, we are 
reassured that he is in control and that we don’t have to be. When we 
realize we don’t have to be, this frees our mind, heart and spirt to 
receive. Receive creative ideas, inspiration and wisdom  which helps us 
to overcome a life of regret.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Pursing Your Purpose in Audio.....

Now Available in Audio
We are each born naked into mortality, totally dependent on parents and others to provide for our basic needs. From that first, air-splitting cry until the day we lay our physical bodies down, we march a path, winding our way through uncertainty, unforeseen challenges, and all that life has to throw at us. It is not an easy task, but it can be as rewarding as you want it to be.
There are few gifts bestowed to man at infancy, and none greater than the right to choose. The exercising of our 'free agency' is a fundamental principle of life. It governs our day to day existence: where we go and who we become...but do we have a destiny. Is there a plan for each of us, a journey laid out by our Creator that we should walk?
The answer to that oft posed question is - yes! God may not care what you wear or even the job you choose for yourself, but He is concerned about how you nurture your soul with the decisions that you make. There are lessons to be learned through this mortal sojourn; some through hardships and others through life experiences. However, you are not alone.
The still, small voice that whispers to your heart and mind is God's way of prompting you with help and assurance. It is a conscience, a moral guide to bless your life with direction. Through the inspiring words of writer Carl Mathis discover how to hear, and then recognize that divine direction.  We all have a purpose, discovering yours is part of life's many gems.
Listen to this insightful, uplifting book today and awaken your soul to self-discovery, fulfilment, and ultimate joy.

Outside Influences - Can Cause You to Lose Focus

Outside influences can cause people to lose focus and not have clarity which makes hearing from God a lot more difficult. Take time out periodically to walk in nature and talk with God making sure to balance the time talking and listening.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Why Do People Avoid Making Choices ?

Considering the frustrations of making choices, it is understandable why some people avoid it. Instead of making choices, they tend to let their path through life be molded by outside circumstances and choices others make for them. They may use phrases like "I didn't choose this career, it kind of happened" or "I just found myself in this situation, but it's not what I really wanted to do" which convey a sense of just letting life happen instead of purposely choosing a route.

When faced with difficult choices get still and use paper and pen. Listen for God's still small voice inside of you and write down whatever prompts, thoughts or feelings that you may have.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Praying For Wisdom is One of The Most Powerful Prayers.

Many people have never been shown how to make prayerful decisions, especially decisions about their career or vocation. When we are unsure what criteria to use in selecting a career, we may look primarily at material factors like compensation, or ultimately make choices based on our instinct or feelings about the possibilities. We may know that there are other factors we should consider, but are unsure what they are.

Realize how powerful it is being connected to God who hears and sees all things. Doing so helps ease the burden of having to make difficult choices alone. Praying for wisdom is one of the most powerful prayers.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Steps to Praying Through Difficult Choices

Here's A Step to Praying Through Difficult Choices

When faced with difficult choices get still and use paper and pen. Listen for God's still small voice inside of you and write down whatever prompts, thoughts or feelings that you may have.

Guard Your Heart:

  "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."   (Proverbs 4:23) The heart, in biblical terms, often r...